Ontology Term Parents Table

This table shows the parent terms of the current ontology term you’re viewing.

Relationship TypeDescribes how this term relates to its parent
Term IDUnique identifier for the parent term (click to view its page)
NameName of the parent term (hover to see full text if it’s long)
DescriptionDescription of the parent term (hover to see full text if it’s long)
SourceOrigin of the term information (click for more details)
SubontologySubgroup of the ontology this term belongs to
SynonymsAlternative names for the term (click to expand if there are many)

Ontology Term Children Table

This table displays the child terms of the current ontology term.

Relationship TypeDescribes how this term relates to its child
Term IDUnique identifier for the child term (click to view its page)
NameName of the child term (hover to see full text if it’s long)
DescriptionDescription of the child term (hover to see full text if it’s long)
SourceOrigin of the term information (click for more details)
SubontologySubgroup of the ontology this term belongs to
SynonymsAlternative names for the term (click to expand if there are many)

Transitive Closure

At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a link labeled “Enter Closure End”. This feature allows you to explore the relationship between the current term and any other term in the ontology.

To use this feature:

  1. Click on “Enter Closure End”
  2. A prompt will appear asking you to enter another ontology term
  3. Type in the term ID (e.g., UBERON_0014892)
  4. Press Enter or click OK
  5. You’ll be taken to a new page showing the relationship path between the current term and the one you entered

Each table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. You can also use the search box above each table to filter the results.