TF-binding Motif Table

This table shows information about transcription factor binding motifs associated with the protein.

SourceOrigin of the motif information
Motif NameName of the binding motif
TF NameName of the transcription factor
LengthLength of the motif
Motif SourceSource of the motif data (click for more details)

Protein Complexes Table

This table displays information about protein complexes that include the protein you’re viewing.

IDUnique identifier for the complex
NameName of the protein complex
AliasAlternative names for the complex
MoleculesOther molecules in the complex
Evidence CodeCode indicating the type of evidence (hover for full text)
Experimental EvidenceDetails of experimental evidence
DescriptionBrief description of the complex (hover for full text)
Complex AssemblyInformation on how the complex assembles
Complex SourceSource of the complex information
Reactome XrefCross-references to Reactome database
SourceOrigin of the complex data (click for more details)

GO Terms Table

This table presents Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with the protein, describing its functions, processes, and cellular locations.

Gene View

This table provides detailed information about genes.

RegionGenomic location of the gene (click to view the region)
Gene NameName of the gene (click for more details)
AliasesAlternative names for the gene
TypeType of the gene (hover for full text)
HGNCHUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee identifier
SourceOrigin of the gene information (click for source details if available)
VersionVersion number of the gene information

Transcript View

This table shows different transcripts (RNA versions) associated with genes.

RegionGenomic location of the transcript (click to view the region)
Transcript IDUnique identifier for the transcript (click for more details)
Transcript NameName of the transcript (click for more information)
Gene NameName of the gene this transcript belongs to (click for gene details)
SourceOrigin of the transcript information (click for source details if available)
VersionVersion number of the transcript information

Each table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. You can also use the search box above each table to filter the results.