GO Terms Table

This table provides detailed information about Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with biological entities.

Column NameDescription
Annotation IDUnique identifier for the annotation
Annotation NameName of the annotation
GO Term NameThe specific Gene Ontology term
SourceOrigin of the GO term information
Gene Product TypeType of gene product (e.g., protein, RNA)
Gene Product SymbolSymbol representing the gene product
QualifierAdditional qualifiers for the GO term (if applicable)
OrganismThe organism to which this annotation applies
EvidenceCode indicating the type of evidence for this annotation
GO IDUnique identifier for the GO term

If no GO terms are available for a particular entity, you’ll see a message indicating this.

Genes Table

This table displays comprehensive information about genes.

Column NameDescription
RegionGenomic location of the gene (clickable to view the region)
Gene NameName of the gene (clickable for more details)
AliasesAlternative names for the gene
TypeClassification of the gene
HGNCHUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee identifier
SourceOrigin of the gene information (clickable for more details if available)
VersionVersion of the gene information

Proteins Table

This table presents detailed information about proteins.

Column NameDescription
Protein IDUnique identifier for the protein (clickable for more details)
Protein NameCommon name of the protein
Full NameComplete scientific name of the protein
SourceOrigin of the protein information (clickable for more details if available)

Each table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. You can also use the search box above each table to filter the results based on any column.