Get Started
Main Search
Use the main search bar to navigate the catalog
Basic Search
Click on the search bar at the top of the page.
Type in what you’re looking for. This could be:
- Gene names (e.g., TP53, ATF3)
- Variant IDs (e.g., rs7582141, rs334)
- Protein names (e.g., 1433B_HUMAN, SMAD2_HUMAN)
- Diseases (e.g., cancer)
- Or any other relevant terms
As you type, you’ll see suggestions appear below the search bar. These can help you find what you’re looking for more quickly.
Press Enter or click on a suggestion to perform your search.
Advanced Search Features
To narrow your search to specific types of information:
Type a forward slash (/) followed by the type of information you’re looking for. For example:
- /gene for genes
- /variant for genetic variants
- /disease for diseases
- /protein for proteins
After selecting a filter, type your search term.
Exact Searches
For precise searches, you can use specific formats:
- Variant IDs: Enter in the format “rsXXXXX” (e.g., rs123)
- Chromosomal regions: Use the format “chrX:XXXX-XXXX” or “X:XXXX-XXXX” (e.g., chr1:1000-20000)
- SPDI (Sequence Position Deletion Insertion): Use formats like “XX_XXXXXXXX_A_A” or “NC_XXXXXX.X:XXXXXXX:X:X” (e.g., 17-46935905-T-C)
Search History
Your recent searches are saved for quick access:
- Click on the search bar to see your recent searches.
- Click on any recent search to perform it again.
- To remove a recent search, click “Delete” next to the search term.
- The search bar provides helpful icons to indicate the type of each search result or suggestion.
- If you’re not sure what to search for, try clicking on one of the example searches shown below the search bar when it’s empty.
- To clear your current search, click the ‘X’ icon on the right side of the search bar.