Enhancer-Gene Model Prediction Table

This table shows which genes are predicted to be regulated by enhancers overlapping the variant you’re viewing.

Cell TypeThe specific cell type for the prediction
Target GeneThe gene predicted to be regulated (click to view more details)
ScoreThe strength of the prediction (higher is stronger)
DatasetThe source dataset (click for more information)
ModelThe predictive model used
Variant-Gene DistancePhysical distance between the variant and gene

The table is initially sorted by Score in descending order, showing the strongest predictions first.

Variants in Linkage Disequilibrium Table

This table displays information about variants that are in linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the current variant.

rsIDThe reference SNP ID (click for more details)
LD (r²) and LD (D’)Measures of linkage disequilibrium
Cell Types w/ pred. EG linkCell types with predicted enhancer-gene links
Genes w/ pred. EG linkGenes with predicted enhancer-gene links
AncestryThe population ancestry for the LD information
Most Severe ConsequenceThe predicted functional impact

You can filter this table by ancestry using the dropdown menu above the table.

GWAS Association Table

This table shows phenotypes (traits or diseases) associated with the variant through genome-wide association studies (GWAS).

Phenotype TermThe associated trait or disease
Study DetailsInformation about the study (ID, name, author, etc.)
p-valueThe statistical significance of the association
BetaThe effect size and direction

Coding Variant Prediction Table

If the variant affects a protein-coding region, this table provides predictions about its impact on protein function.

Gene and Transcript InformationDetails about the affected gene and transcript
Protein ChangeHow the variant changes the protein sequence
Prediction ScoresVarious tools’ predictions of the variant’s impact (higher scores generally indicate more severe impacts)

Each table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. You can also use the search box above each table to filter the results.