Predicted Enhancers Table

This table shows enhancers that are predicted to regulate the gene you’re viewing.

Cell TypeThe specific cell type for the prediction
ScoreThe strength of the prediction (higher is stronger)
ModelThe predictive model used
DatasetThe source dataset (click for more information)
Enhancer TypeThe type of enhancer predicted
Enhancer RegionThe genomic coordinates of the predicted enhancer (click to view the region)

Proteins Table

This table displays information about proteins associated with the gene.

Protein IDUnique identifier for the protein (click for more details)
Protein NameCommon name of the protein
Full NameComplete scientific name of the protein
SourceOrigin of the protein information (click for source details if available)

Transcripts Table

This table shows different transcripts (RNA versions) of the gene.

RegionGenomic location of the transcript (click to view the region)
Transcript IDUnique identifier for the transcript (click for more details)
Transcript NameName of the transcript (click for more information)
Gene NameName of the gene this transcript belongs to (click for gene details)
SourceOrigin of the transcript information (click for source details if available)
VersionVersion number of the transcript information

Variants Table

This table presents genetic variants associated with the gene.

RegionGenomic location of the variant (click to view the region)
rsIDReference SNP ID(s) for the variant (click for more details)
SourceOrigin of the variant information (click for source details if available)
SPDIA standardized representation of the variant